Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I’ve never blogged before in my life.  I’ve thought about it.  I thought I should blog about my life and what I’ve endured.  I was thinking I could help someone with what I have experienced.  Then I thought I might write about a hobby of mine.  I could to that.  But maybe I should write how I have gone back to school later in life.  All in all, I haven’t a clue what I’m doing. 

                In my opinion no one truly knows what they are doing.  Especially me.    I started back to school at 25 years old to finish my associates I had started when I was 18 year old.  I tried to get out in the work force in the direction my education pointed me in however, companies want you to have a bachelor’s degree.  It seems as though associates degrees are as common as a high school diploma.  So after much deliberation and my cousin being my biggest cheerleader I decided I should follow the masses to a four year college. 

I have to admit that each and every day I doubt that I should even be here.  I go through this self-doubt more evidently at the beginning of each semester: I’m too old, I can’t keep up, I have learning issues, I’m not good enough, etc.  The list goes on.  But I find satisfaction that I am going forward with my education.  After all an education is the best asset anyone can have.